Posts Tagged :

search engine optimisation

Digital marketing basics graphic

Don’t forget the marketing basics

680 430 Breathe Marketing

Do you want to grow your business — and know marketing is essential — but have no idea where to start?  You’re not alone. I meet with business owners like you regularly, and everyone wants to know about the latest…

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SEO graphic

SEO Best Practices – Part 1

462 462 Breathe Marketing

Every company wants to create a website that’s attractive. But if customers can’t find your site in the first place, it won’t matter how pretty it is. That’s where SEO comes in. As mentioned in a previous post on SEO,…

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SEO: Don't get blinded with science

SEO – don’t get blinded with science

400 224 Breathe Marketing

I’ve already written a couple of blogs on the rather mystical world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).  For example, in “How a search engine works: SEO 101,” we talked a bit about how search engines work and how knowing that information…

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Local marketing so customers can find your small business

Are local customers finding your business?

400 300 Breathe Marketing

There’s been a recent emphasis in the marketing world on local marketing. Why? A lot of it has to do with the rise of mobile technology and the fact that people are becoming less reliant on directories (either in print…

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Google, SEO and the Penguins

150 150 Breathe Marketing

As we noted in a previous post on search engine optimisation (SEO) Google is arguably the most powerful and well-known search engine on the Internet, so when they announce a major change in how their algorithm operates, it tends to…

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How a search engine works: SEO 101

150 150 Breathe Marketing

You’ve probably heard the term “SEO” used by marketers or online, but do you know what it means? Do you know how search engines work and what effect they have on your website traffic (and your business)? Before we look…

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