
Being the owner of your business doesn’t always make you the best possible salesperson (with no offence intended). You may also lack the time or resources to go about selling more effectively.

Breathe Marketing has helped hundreds of people develop their sales skills. Our own work is focused on one-to-one support, giving you practical tips that you can use in your personal selling, working out scripts, overcoming objections, and giving better structure to that first meeting with a potential new customer. We can also help you to fine-tune your follow up.

Coaching from Breathe Marketing can help you to get more out of networking – turning up unprepared to events where you don’t know people isn’t everyone’s idea of a great time. We’ll show you how you can get more out of networking events, including how you can break into a group of total strangers and leave conversations without offending. As with social media, good networking is about opening up a dialogue and showing how you can help others. We’ll give you the tools needed.

Personal coaching can also include how you should ask for referrals. If you can do this more, and better, imagine how quickly and easily you could grow your business?